Help - Main

Help and instructions to make one order

From the basket checkout

Add item to Cart
You called a product and just want to order this now? No problem - just added to the right of the item description, the amount and click on the shopping cart icon. Your desired product was now placed in your cart.


Faster than you think runs the registry and you can enjoy all the benefits. Simply click on "REGISTER". There you enter your personal information.
At the end you can enter in your password
(Check for illegal characters such as umlauts, spaces and special characters such as + Be).

What advantages does the application / registration?
Sign ie, do only once in your customer data and will allow faster and more comfortable shopping online! You need on your next order, the address fields do not fill again, because the data is then stored already. In your personal login area you have the opportunity to create additional shipping addresses to update your personal details, or even to view orders placed already. Can also change your password here.

Your login area - MY ACCOUNT
Personal information, shipping and billing addresses manage.

Personal Data / Change Billing Address
After the login under "Account" and "MY ACCOUNT" You can change your billing address, contact name, account number and password.
Under "BILLING AND DELIVERY SETTINGS" button to change already entered addresses or cover new

Orders View
Under "ORDER HISTORY" to view your orders already issued.

Login data

Change password
You can always change your current password itself. After logging in, please go to "PERSONAL SETTINGS"
There you enter in the "OLD PASSWORD" enter your current password, then enter your "NEW PASSWORD" field.
Then "NEW PASSWORD AGAIN" and then click Save.
Your old password is no longer valid now.

Forgot your password?
Top right "ACCOUNT" please "MY ACCOUNT" button.
Then click on "forgotten password" press
Please enter your email address to have deposited with the registry and press

Once you have the "PASSWORD REQUEST" button is clicked, we'll send you an email that allows you to change your password.

If you order within the next few minutes NOT e-mail with your access data, so please check: Have you already registered with our shop?
If not, please do so once during the ordering process. You can even set a password. Once you are registered, you can log in with your e-mail address and password.
If you are sure that you have registered in our shop, please check whether you have may be a mistake entering your e-mail address.

In case you still e-mail address and registration of existing problems continue with the login and have "forgotten" no e-mail received, please contact us at Email:

You want to contact us by email or phone?

CE Grindtec
In Espach 9
D-88444 Ummendorf-Biberach
phone  0049 7351 32360
fax       0049 7351 372952

Secure purchase the eShop & Privacy

All personal details will be treated confidentially.
Necessary for the transaction will be saved and the handling of the order may be forwarded to affiliated companies.
During data processing, the legitimate concerns of the customer according to the legal provisions are considered.


We accept the following payment methods:

* incl. tax, plus shipping